5 questions to ask yourself about your social media images

Looking at it from an imagery perspective, what’s your content saying about your business?

Communicating what to whom?

What do you want to say? Who do you want to say it to? Are the two most important questions you should ask yourself when thinking about the pictures you are taking for your business. Let us stick to social media for this post for brevity’s sake. What do you want to say? Images areContinueContinue reading “Communicating what to whom?”

What do you get when you hire a professional photographer?

Today is a different type of information day. I’m sending you to look at something that explains how photographers work. A great video from the talented Magnus Bogucki, a Swiss wedding photographer, who lays out in less than 3 minutes what exactly you are getting when you hire him. Obviously, other types of photography haveContinueContinue reading “What do you get when you hire a professional photographer?”